Own your own digital life
Tout Do exists to help you get online, stay online, and be yourself online

There are many ways to be online
Whether you need expertise or time, Tout Do is here to help.
Mastodon and the Federated Universe
Looking for social media which you control? Check out Mastodon and the Fediverse.
Custom email address
Custom email addresses using domains you own make a unique and lasting impression.
Your blog with WordPress
A place to share ideas, thoughts, plans and interests, using a domain you own.
Backups, of course!
There is a way to manage your own backups, too, using Minio, S3, or other options.
Productivity online
Projects, libraries, CRM, forums, Git+code, galleries, password and secure notes… all yours.
Presearch is a decentralized search engine which runs on Docker and is easy to use.
Open source + Self-hosting
Rather than paying some faceless company to manage your content, or worse —serve you their content— choose Tout Do!
We use a variety of open source solutions which allow anyone to self-host their own digital life.
It all starts with your domain
- Choose a domain—your name or something you like.
- You will always have access to your domain.
- Your domain(s) become the backbone for your online life.

Start building!
- Tout Do loves using Cloudron or Yunohost.
- Right away, set up a backup option.
- You will always have access to your accounts.